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Laboratory Objectives

Laboratory Profile

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  • Laboratory executing several sponsored and consultancy projects sanctioned by DST, SERB India, private entities etc. 

  • Laboratory is equipped with spectroscopy, electronics, chemical, manufacturing and design related facilities.

  • Laboratory is working very closely with institute incubation cell MaDeIT innovation foundation and encouraging students towards entrepreneurship.

  • The works focuses on product development leading to IP and start up creation

Team & Projects at  glance

Dr. Jayachandra Bingi, 

Associate Professor


Head of the Laboratory


Mr. Parthivan C,
Research Assistant

Project: Shape memory materials

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Dr. Narendran G, 

Assistant  Professor



Mr. Pratap Raj,
External Research scholar

Project: Bio-inspired toy design

Ms. Hemalatha. V, 
PhD scholar

Project: Photonics based fluoride ion filtration and water purification

Mrs. Janani J, 
PhD scholar

Project:  Quantum sensors

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